Memilih jurnal terindeks scopus yang sesuai dengan artikel kita, bukan perkara mudah. Jika kita tidak jeli, bisa jadi artikel kita akan ditolak oleh jurnal yang kita tuju. Lalu, bagaimana strategi agar kita bisa memilih jurnal terindeks scopus yang tepat? Video berikut memberikan pemahaman terkait bagaimana strategi memilih jurnal terindeks SCOPUS yang tepat. Berikut link videonya:
Siron, Y., Wibowo, A., & Narmaditya, B.S. (2020). Factors affecting the adoption of e-learning in indonesia: Lesson from Covid-19. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 10(2), 282-295. Assessment of Household Happiness in Slum Environment Usingthe Expected Value Rules : Bagus Sumargo*, Zarina Akbar and Agus Wibowo Antecedents of Customer Loyalty: Study from the Indonesia’s Largest E-commerce Leadership Styles and Customer Loyalty: A Lesson from Emerging Southeast Asia’s Airlines Industry Does Entrepreneurial Leadership Matter for Micro-Enterprise Development?: Lesson from West Java in Indonesia Determinant Factors of Young People in Preparing for Entrepreneurship: Lesson from Indonesia Wardana, L.W., Narmaditya, B.S., Wibowo, A., Mahendra, A.M., Wibowo, N.A., Harwida, G., Rohman, A.N. (2020). The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Students’ Entrepreneurial Mindset: The Mediating Role of Attitude and Self-Efficacy. Heliyon 6 ...